Divide a group of pupils into two teams ( with the same number of members). Then, line them up about 15 or 20 steps across from each other and number each player in both teams.
A referee will be placed in the center of the play area with a scarf hanging from his / her hand.
The referee will star the game by calling out the numbers.
The players with the called numbers will try to grab the scarf and run back to his / her line without being catched by his / her adversary.
If the player is catched before getting his / her initial position, he/ she will be eliminated and one of the players in his/her team will have the eliminated number ( besides his / her own number).
The game will go on until one of the teams runs out of its members.
Dividimos un grupo de alumnos en dos equipos ( con el mismo número de participantes). Los alineamos unos frente a los otros , separados por unos 15 o 20 pasos y los numeramos.
En el centro del área se situará un árbitro con un pañuelo en su mano.
El árbitro dirá en voz alta un número y los jugadores de ambos equipos que tengan ese número, tratarán de coger el pañuelo y volver a su posición inicial sin ser pillado por su adversario.
Si el jugador es alcanzado antes de llegar a su sitio, será eliminado y uno de los jugadores de su equipo se quedará con el número del niño eliminado, además del que ya tenía.
El juego continúa hasta que uno de los equipos se queda sin jugadores.
El juego continúa hasta que uno de los equipos se queda sin jugadores.
Blog del proyecto Racecomenius.Blog of the project Racecomenius. Comenius is an European project that has like principal objective to improve the quality of the education, to reinforce his European dimension, to promote the learning language and to promote the awareness towards other cultures. To develop these aims, there have been realized associations of different educational centers belonging to different countries that have taken part in the Project Comenius.

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