martes, 7 de febrero de 2012


Nuestros amigos de Polonia nos envían estas recetas típicas de su país ...¡Qué buena pinta!

Treasures of Polish cuisine at European tables...

For the average Pole old Polish cuisine is associated with the wealth of spices used. On Polish tables introduced by Queen Jadwiga. In the time of her reign sugar came the way. At that time began to use spices such as saffron, pepper, nutmeg, ginger, cloves.
The lemon and sweetmeats like raisins, figs, almonds and dried fruit was considered delicacies

JADWIGA food in times, that were considered delicacies, include the fish in saffron sauce, goose stuffed with spiced almond sauce, chicken stuffed with seasoned generously with raisins, rice flavored Hungarian paprika. Do can't forgotten about a variety of meats and venison, roasted, stewed, boiled and in spicy sauce.

The old Polish menu could not leave out a variety of meats. On the tables were given a whole roasted pigs stuffed with buckwheat, deer and wild boar, roast with no shortage of different species of birds and fish. They used as spices: salt, garlic, horseradish and vinegar, often used to sweeten the honey. Venison played in traditional Polish cuisine a great role, and no important feast could not be without it. For the spices used in Polish cuisine to the venison are dried juniper berries and mushrooms. Favorites additives venison used in Poland are of red berries, beets and red cabbage with red wine. Classic sauces for wild venison meat (roast) is a sauce hawthorn and juniper sauce.

Of all the dishes considered typical Polish - BIGOS still occupies a place of honor. In old times in Poland without BIGOS could not have done any hunting.

Frequently on the Polish table were dishes so-called soup. Among them a special dish from pieces prepared beef or veal has gained fame, it's called TRIPE. For now enjoy the recognition BORSCHT WHITE- cream soup, due to the slightly sour, refreshing taste.
CZERNINA - this is a specific Polish soup, whose basic ingredients are chicken broth, and the blood of ducks or chickens, with fewer piglets.

For centuries, the Polish daily drink was BEER. In addition to the traditional Polish beer, mead host tables.

GROATS - a favorite dish in Old Slavonic cuisine, appeared formerly than bread. The Poles were great experts groats.

BREAD play an important role in religious ceremonies Slavic long before Christianity. Before the start new loaf were marked it with a cross. To this day we welcome and greeted with bread and salt distinguished guests at the threshold of their apartment.

PATE - in wealthy homes the that time we always have one of the cooks specialized in making pies-pate. He did pies with different meats, game, small birds, the woodcock, fieldfare, quails, partridges, grouse, ducks, capons.


Easter, the greatest Christian holiday, turned into the old Poland one of the largest culinary festival. Lent was overture before the great feasts.

The great feast of Easter, began sharing the dedicated hard-boiled egg, combined with the wishes.
Soon after that they moved to the table. Abundance and richness "holy" was the ambition of every housewife.

What we do before Easter?
At Easter we are cleaning and we are decorating the house.
We are preparing Easter dishes and titbits.
We are baking different festive cakes for example: Mazureks or Cheesecakes.
We are painting eggs and we are decorating eggs.
Into the Holy Saturday we are going to bless foods in the nice bedecked basket.
In Triduum Paschal we are going to the church.
On Sunday Easter we are eating the festive breakfast.
On Monday Easter boys are beating girls with water.

Here are some suggestions for the Easter table with Polish dishes: Easter cake, paste called Mazureks, cheesecake , herring in Polish, soup called zur lenten, roast beef.

Leaven the żur

Żur acid should be prepared to advance, because in a tightly stoppered bottles in a cool place it can store up to two weeks. And doing it in the following manner. 2 cups whole meal rye flour brewed with boiling water, pouring it enough to get the batter. When cool, pour liter of lukewarm water and add whole - wheat bread crust. Then strain into a glass jar, wrapped with gauze and leave in a warm place. After three days of your sourdough is ready for use.

Lenten Żur

Boil 1 liter of broth with carrots (no cabbage) with dried mushrooms to the hot broth and add 1 / 2 cup sourdough, not strain him, because the soup should be slightly chunky. Into boiling soup, add the crushed garlic, allspice, bay leaf and 4 chopped potatoes, and when the potatoes are soft, salt to taste. You can also specify separately the potatoes, topped with broiled onion in oil.

Roast Beef

Approximately 2 kg of beef haunch pour marinade.
Here's how to prepare the marinade.
Parsley, carrot and celery cut into the match, and the onion into slices. The spices add thyme, allspice, bay leaf, a few (slightly crushed) juniper berries and a glass of dry red wine.
These ingredients boil briefly and pour boiling marinade meat stacked in stoneware pot. After two days, remove the meat from the marinade and rub with salt, runs through the bacon, sprinkle a little pepper and put into a vessel called the hot fat oven-pan. When all sides are nicely browned, add the vegetables from the marinade, oven-pan we covered in the oven and roast from time to time, pour the marinade, then have their own sauce.
Already soft roast pour 3 / 4 cup thick cream carefully heaped teaspoon mixed with wheat flour. Sauce should be lightly boil.
Roast, cut into very thin slices and pour sauce through a sieve grated to be seasoned to taste.
As a legume gives the traditional beets with horseradish.

Enjoy your meal 

37 dag of sugar
37 dag of corn flour
37 dag of butter plant
6 eggs
a baking powder
50 g of pure vodka (Polish vodka)
juice of half a lemon

First beat the eggs together with sugar on steemed.
Second mix the flour with the powder and 2 tablespoons of plain flour.
Third the crushed butter add flour, eggs, vodka and lemon juice.
Everything thoroughly until light. Put into preheated oven to 120 degrees, then set the temperature to 170 degrees and bake for 45 minutes. (hot air)

Gosia’s Cheesecake

1 kg of white cheese, minced/ground
1 cube (250g) of margarine
8 eggs
¾ cup semolina + 3 tablespoons potato flour + average tablespoon baking powder
½ kg of icing sugar
1 vanilla sugar
juice of ½ lemon


1. Crush the margarine and sugar with eggs.

2. Add ground cheese, porridge and powder.

3. Proteins whip on a pair of on the foam and put in a bowl with the rest of the ingredients.

All gently mix.
Put on plaque dough greased and covered with porridge.
Bake at 160 degrees approximately 100 minutes.
I'm not doing, but if you like raisins, you can make it to the dough. Earlier surround them in flour.

Bon appetit!


BIGOS ala Goshia – RECIPE

2.5 kg less sour sauerkraut
1.5 kg of meat (pork or shoulder)
1 kg of Silesian sausage
25 grams of dried mushrooms
large onion


1. Boil cabbage (about 1 hour).

2. All meat and sausage (diced), fry in a pan neatly Scorching-watering or oil, at the end add the diced onion.
Throw into the pot in which we cook cabbage.

3.Add previously soaked in water, mushrooms and throw a few grains of black pepper and bay leaves.
Season with salt and pepper to taste, add a little wine and simmer another 1 hour, if necessary, watered with water, stirring occasionally.

4. Finally add the tomato paste (about 200g) or few chopped fresh tomatoes.

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